Did you know that in Poland we have more people aged 78 than those born in 2023? Data from the Central Statistical Office shows that the group of people 65 and older is growing all the time in our country. The silver generation are those born before 1975, so now aged 50+.
Silvers are the fastest-growing social group that is still economically active and, importantly, often already without financial obligations. These people use the Internet, smartphones, online shopping and online payments on a daily basis and yet they are often overlooked in marketing communications planning.
Using the term “senior” in marketing communications is one of the most common mistakes, as it perpetuates the stereotype of people 50+ as ailing and elderly. Meanwhile, many of them are still professionally and physically active.
Retirement in Poland often evokes a negative connotation, as it is projected to account for only 40% of previous earnings in the future. However, other sources of funding, such as savings, are rarely taken into account. Moreover, people in this group typically have a lower cost of living than families with children, and their mortgages are usually already paid off. As a result, we erroneously view them as people with limited financial resources.
We often treat the silver generation as homogeneous, forgetting that people in their 50s have very different needs and lifestyles than those in their 70s. This diversity makes it imperative that marketing messages aimed at the silver generation be appropriately tailored to their age, living situation, interests and lifestyle.
Digital exclusion is another significant myth. People 50+ have constant access to smartphones and the Internet. Data shows that as many as 71% of people aged 60+ use the internet, 60% use smartphones for banking, and 52% pay cashless. Silvers actively use social media, with Facebook being the most popular channel, followed closely by YouTube.
People 50+ differ from younger generations in their communication preferences and values. What is particularly worth paying attention to when communicating with them?
The silver generation values authenticity and honesty the most. They have a wealth of life experience and are often critical of aggressive or over-promising advertising. They prefer a product that inspires their trust, so it makes sense to avoid over-promising and focus on presenting the offer honestly. What matters most to them are product features such as quality or durability. They don’t pay as much attention to the price of the product and the advertising itself.
The term “senior citizen” should be avoided, as should other words associated with old age or infirmity. Instead, use positive language that emphasizes activity, health, development and independence.
Emotional value
Older people are often more attached to traditions, family values and interpersonal relationships. Marketing to this group should therefore appeal to emotions and build relationships. It is a good idea to refer to values such as family, stability or friendship. This approach reinforces trust and builds a long-term relationship with the brand.
Simplicity and transparency
Consumers 50+ prefer simple and clear messages. They may find overly complicated ads or technical language daunting. For this reason, silver marketing campaigns should rely on clear messages, simple language and clearly structured content.
Visual message tailored to the group
When choosing visual elements, make sure that graphics and photos depict people of similar ages, lifestyles and interests. Visual messages featuring younger people may not inspire as much identification and sympathy as images depicting mature people.
The first step in communicating with the 50+ generation is often to reach for traditional channels, which are still very popular with this group. This is the right approach, but we cannot rely solely on radio and television. Campaign planning needs to be modernized, with more emphasis on social media.
A silver marketing strategy should take into account the three distinct subgroups, rather than treating the most common 65+ group as homogeneous. The silver generation is extremely diverse, both in terms of financial situation and lifestyle. With Poland’s aging population, this group is growing steadily, offering tremendous potential that is often overlooked by companies that focus exclusively on younger audiences.
Effective communication with the silver generation requires a deep understanding of their needs, values and lifestyles. Investing in this market segment is the key to success in the face of its rapid growth.
If you need support in this area, please contact us at: hello@media-maker.pl